
I went to Israel for a wedding I was best man.
Her father scheduled three tour buses for all the guests.
We saw the whole country and even their military installations.
The people were from all over the World it was a great cultural and educational experience.
I recommend seeing all the sites in this beautiful place.

  1. The other major facet about my traveling is knowing it breaks down barriers for different people.
    I’ve learned we are all connected and have something to teach and learn from each other.

  2. Absolutely! Travel should be educational- there is so much to see and learn. Learning about different cultures is a big part of the whole travel experience for me, too.

  3. It is an interesting place to visit with loads of history.
    Traveling is educational in all my trips learning about local culture and great people.

  4. You are so well traveled. That sounds like a great time! I was in Israel a very long time ago but didn’t get to see the whole country. I spent a few days in Jerusalem and then went to Tel Aviv.

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