I was stationed in Hawaii, on Oahu. It was paradise! I hope to go back with my hubby and kids someday!
Lisa G says:
Hawaii looks just like a dream place! So beautiful. Such a far plane ride for me to get to Hawaii though. But that shouldn’t stop me from visiting a gorgeous place!
Bo Blinski says:
Aloha All,
Come visit these amazing Islands each one offers something unique and great adventure.
busyVAmom says:
I was stationed in HI while I was in the Navy, my oldest daughter was born there! Loved it and hope I make it back some day for a vacation!
Kirsten says:
This sounds SO amazing. I want to leave for Hawaii right now!
busyVAmom says:
I was stationed in Hawaii, on Oahu. It was paradise! I hope to go back with my hubby and kids someday!
Lisa G says:
Hawaii looks just like a dream place! So beautiful. Such a far plane ride for me to get to Hawaii though. But that shouldn’t stop me from visiting a gorgeous place!
Bo Blinski says:
Aloha All,
Come visit these amazing Islands each one offers something unique and great adventure.
busyVAmom says:
I was stationed in HI while I was in the Navy, my oldest daughter was born there! Loved it and hope I make it back some day for a vacation!
Kirsten says:
This sounds SO amazing. I want to leave for Hawaii right now!
carol n says:
“Wish I was here” I really do
travelstar says:
I can’t wait to visit Hawaii. Looks like paradise!